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get involved 

The CIRWF is one of action! We pride ourselves in getting out in the community and volunteering. Ready to share your time, talents and skills with us? Whether you can help at an event or would like to join our board, we welcome your participation.

By joining the Channel Islands Republican Women Federated you’ll be connected with women working hard to educate and promote Republican values. Join us at our monthly meetings, on the fourth Wednesday of every month.

Let us know if you’d can help out!


Please make checks payable to CIRWF and mail along with completed form to Membership Chair, 3600 Harbor Blvd, PMB 124, Oxnard, Ca 93035. DOWNLOAD A MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION 


Fill our the application below and complete payment online. 

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Please take a moment to fill out the form.

Membership Type
I am a registered Republican
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Spouse Associate Membership

Thanks for submitting!

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